Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some Things that my help a person with back pain

Re: Fellow twisted pelvi
Re: Fellow twisted pelvis guy
hey thanks for writing. Looked at the pics. In addition to seeing them i would be interested in a detailed history (if you won't mind) of how it happened and how it has gotten worse, your condtion that is, and what you have done on your own to accomidate and fix the problem.

Here is my advise, i would not go to a chyro. i am sure there may be some good ones out there who could help you really well, but given the dominant circulated taught traditions of chyropratic wisdom that are too rough on people bodies. Especially if you have pelvic malalignment! And they do know a ton and so will be helpful if you do go 25 visits and i imagine you will see change. Nevertheless, i do believe pelvic malalignment is hard to fix on your own.

But if you do chose to go here is some things i would ask or pay attention to.

1. Stand up strait, both feet on the ground legs six inches or so. Do not move or bend knees. Time yourself and see how long you can maintain the position before pain gets so bad and you have to shift your hips or bend your legs. Also record where is starts to hurt. Over the time you go to anyone do this to notice what is changing in your body. Note, look for assymetrical symtoms/pain. Meaning, what muscle in you who body give out first--Knees mid back as well as pelvis.

2. In standing position also put feet firmly together, like a soldier, relax or hip. What way does your hips turn?? Now spread you legs and relax hip muscles again. What way does your hip move now? Before and after visits you can do this to notice how much change there is.

3. Streching is as important as ajustments. If your chyro doesn't give you 5 or 6 specific stretches for you particular symptoms. I would not go back to him. even after 25 visits if you are not streching, your going to have to go 200 more times before your body will adjust. And that is assuming you are going every day. I am currently on my third streching plan (the previous two i did for 3 months in lenghth by the way) and only now after 3 month of streching three time a day do i think my body is reaping the benifits. PS i am still aways a way from calling myself healed.

4. Start being hypersensitive to everything in your body and if people (and they will) start saying you are fanatical, tell them too fuck off. You can know much more and do know much more (especially if you start studying this stuff) then any medical profesion. Shit you are the one with the problem, not them. This of medical professional as your teacher and learn as much as you can from your visits.

5. prove the people you go to wrong. Maybe not explicitly. Not to make them look stupid but to expand your knowlege of your condition the quickest possible way. I am fixing, myself doctors and other medical people i have gone to are not fixing me. in other words, take alot of responsibility upon yourself to be educated.

6. don't be afraid of dense medical books. The more you read them the more they make sense. i promise. If you have to slow way down and look up ever single word. Do. You'll be thankful. here are handful i have posted

7. Don't rule our a psychological element to the condition. The way i lived my religion did contribute maybe even was one of the root causes of my problem. Now that i masterbate and don't feel guitly about it swear and don't feel guity about it, etc my back is healing quicker. 1st you get anxious and your posture get bad. Your body adjusts. Then you hurt your back lifting boxes or bending over. Your body adjusts. Mutiply hurting your back 10-20 time a year by 10 years and perhaps one major injury when you problem became chronic. Now are you not only more anxoius because you hurt all the time but you are also anxious because no girl wants to marry a boy who cant have sex but you don't masterbate so you are sexually represses so you are more anxious. and now your back is really fucked (no pun intened) because you are mentaly consciously and subconsciously dealing with a problem that is really complex. then you loose your job cuz you can't sit in a chair. but you can't get statefunned medical insurance cuz you can't get a diagnosis. And you still don't know what you want to do with you life cuz it looks like nobody around you really likes there job. And you can't talk about this publicly because people don't know what to say and just shy away from you. So you get more anxious. And YES it does effect your body. I highly recommend seeing a therapy counselor to dive in deep to the complexities. They cost money. But many of them really do care and can give you feedback. The last ten years of my life have been hard and my back problem is the result. And do you think i could honestly say in church that masterbating is helping fix my back. I just might.

Personally i would recomend you find an osteopath who is specilized in the pelvis. A really good second option is a physical therapist trained in osteopathic proceedure who also is specialized in the pelvis. You could save your self a lot of time if you would call 5 osteos and 5 physical therapists and ask these three questions:

1. How do you diagnose pevlic misallignment? What are your proceedures? (write them down) (ask doctors why they don't use what other doctors use. right, becuase you have these things written down.) (now you don't need to know any big terms and you will see what doctors experiences is in how they respond)

2. What is your personal experience, long term, working with pelvic misallignment? (you don't want a doctor practicing on you. or worse, you don't want a dogmatic chyro, physo, therapist, doctors so stuck in his ways that s/he he will let you go 25 visits and not be realizing that what he is doing is now really helping.) ( i have done the 25 visit chyro thing and i tesify that for me they just hurt me more.)

And please, when you discover major break on you recovery, please i how you will kindly share them with me. The faster you get better and i know how you did it. the faster i will get better.

i personally know how much if fucking sucks to have a condition that most people don't have a clue about so you just keep getting worse.

Take care,


ps if you have want to chat 801-427-0803. Though most of what i know that is helpful i think i have tried to give to you.

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