Wednesday, July 1, 2009

more of my story

Re: Re: Re: Fellow twist
Re: Re: Re: Fellow twisted pelvis guy
as of a month ago i heat 10 min always before i stretch. I started doing that a month ago and now when i don't heat before i stretch and adjust i pull ligament. I always ice when finished. i do that about three time aday most days that is.

You say you think that your problem is ligments in you but and some on the other side. Maybe these thought will help? Yes my PSIS and ASIS + sacrum to out of allignment But why? for me. unfortunately i have come to the conclusion that i have ripped torn ligament tendons and soft tissuses. N o fucking doctor has really understood the extent to how damaged those pysicalities on my body are. The closest analysis to i have every gotten is "it seems like your problem is muscular because pain get worse in the toward the end of the day and is gone every morning. Not even the ostephysical therapist who new more than all other people i have seen (which is like 10 medical people) could really understand the extent of my muscle damage when i pointed out muscle minuities.

For instant all my fucking symptions in the first year of chronic pain manifested themselves in the tightness of my quadradus lumbarum (QL)(on my left side) and a tight as bone myofacia trigger point (knot) where the QL attachs to the spine. A year ago all the sharp pain i felt was at trigger point at the attachment point of the QL at L5 vertabe. I even had a quarazone injection in that area. After some deep tissue messages last summer i found out the bumps in my back which felt like attachments in my spin were actually not muslce. After 3 treatments of deep tissue messages the calcium deposits loosened up and thats when my SI joint really started hurting. It felt like bone on bone sharp pain in my SI joint. Once i realized the muscle component of my condition i decided to take the muscle relaxers i were perscibed for one entire week 24/7. When i did my entire back straitended out and i literally felt at one point my left illium slip back into allignment. It almost like snapped subtly back into correct position yes with out any noise. I alway about once a day can tilt my head to the left and sometime to right and can get neck to crack in a 6 snap milita'ry milisecond drum roll. So when last summer while on the muscle relaxor "flexeral" my next stopped cracking miliarty drum roll style i fucking notice immediatly! it Was like a merical. (now the sad sad sad part of the story). When i cold turkey stopped taking the muscle relaxer after my 7 day 24/7 test while sitting the next day i felt the muscles reaching accross the inside of my iliac crest all the say to where it attaches to SI joint RIP. But i didn't have a language to explain what was happening so i stayed at work for an entire day sitting. That evening, it was a friday night. i could not walk or sit, i couldn't even fucking stand man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i felt sick sick to my stomach and had a wierd taste in my mouth. i was one crutchs for the next two days saturday and sunday. Fuck man it hurt so bad. I didn't go to an emergency room because i didnt have medical insurance and i though all they would do is give me more muscle relaxs and tell me to ly down and ice it. So the next monday i went to the school medical clinic to the same doctor i had be working through this problem through the entire previous year. By the way before tell you this next part i should note that i had the previous week recieved my MRI results of my lumbar spine and upper spine into my neck which revealed no problems. So that monday afternoon when i went to see that doctor at the school medical clinic the doctor that recomended i go see a chiropractor and had seen that his treatments to me over a year plus my physical therapy was not working, the same doctor who said always i was thinking to hard about the problem and that it was normal and would heal over time, the same doctor who told me not to get an MRI because there was "nothing wrong" with me and that the MRI "would not reveal anything," the same doctor who saw me get the MRI result back and read for herself the PHD. analysis of my $1200 MRI, the same doctor read that analysis and read for her self the validation of her interpretation of my that "nothing" was wrong; saw me walk into her office with cruchtes because fuck i could not walk very well without them and i felt light headed and dizzy with this blood like taste in my mouth, and said to me: Alec i seed on you records that you have been seeing a therapist for you anxiety which have been so consuming that you have even contemplated seriously suicide: "Alec, i hate to break the news to you but this problem is in your head. you come have been coming in her week after week for a year now and i think it is time to confront the truth." And what did i do? i laid down my crutches like a man healed by jesus and went and told all my friends that what had happened over over the weekend was perhaps and a very probable perhaps had been a figment of my imaginnation, a halucination of my mind. (little did i know that ripped ligament and tendons and soft tissue heal enough that there is no significant unmovable pain in about three day; the exact time frame that i would have gone to the clinic doctor at my school) And i trusted what she said becuase if did seem very probably. Fuck man, if i can only tell you have physically damaging that interpretion was of my problem. That doctor did a damn good job constructing me to believe in the power of my mind to create pain. And as a result i stopped being hyper sensitive about my problem and my body adjusted yet again to the problem for almost an entire nother year to manage the pain. Only now a year later have i gained the courage to go beyond what the medical professionals have been telling "that it might be a muscle problem, but we are still not sure , probably more like a mental problem," have i now begun exploring the ligament tendon soft tiscuse (fascia) aspect of my problem.

Christmas time i started posting videos and two month laters i started seeing that physical therapist Rogan. Rogan was good because he had SIJ problem and treats long term pevic malalingment using osteopathic techniques. in fact the diagnosis technique he used were out of the osteopath medical book 'the malalignment syndrom' i was reading at the time. I have spent the month befor i saw rogan reading this said book and if you watch any of my early videos you would see that i was on my own trying to learn how diagnosis my problem checking pelvic landmarks (PSIS, ASIS, ischal tuberosities, ly of sacrum, ILA (interior lateral angle of the bottom of my sacrum, in conjuction with me doing the sit-ly test. On my own i could never get a definitive unchaning reading of my pavic landmarks, yet i know i was out of alignment because although all the test never generated the unchaning positions they basicly were all out of alignment all the time. Most notably out of alingment was the malioli (your ankle bones) in the sit-ly test. from sitting to lying suspine (on back) my ankle bone always manifested assymetrically, but it was so confusing because the assymatry of my ankle bones never corralated with the assymatries of my prominant pelvic landmarks. When i went to Rogan his diagnsis was quick and accurate. He checks allingment by putting his thumbs PSIS and watching/feeling for motion in the SI joint joint and the checking the ly of the sacrum as i lied on my stomach (prone position) and stayed prone and when up on my elbows. He chucked ly of sacrum in those two positions and the top of sacrum interior just below the ASIS and and my ILA. his diagnosis of my problem was a posterior nominant left illium and left of left Sacral torsion witch caused my right illum to go posterior rotation of my illum. In other words, my left illium was rotated backwards locking my SI joint (so at all times of the day there was no movement) and my right illium was rotated forward but this rotation was due to the sacrum not any injury to the SI joint. Additionally when i put me in alingment he check for anatomical leg length difference with a tape measure from PSIS to ankle bones. I had a three 1/8 of an inch leg length difference; my left leg was longer than my right, and because he was doing the measuring after putting me in allinment (no rotation of illums and no sacral torsion) his diagnosis was "true leg length difference;" which means, my bones were longer in one leg. Immediately i started wearing a lift in my right should and i did that for two months. After two weeks of going to rogan i started doing his adjustments on my own. i switch from going to his 3 time a week to once a week. after a month of correcting dayly my left locked SI joint (the posterior innominant rotation) wierd unexplainable stuff started happening assymetrical in my hips an leg muscles. Mainly, assymetrical muscle groups would start firing off: my piriformus muscle would all of the suddend tighten and then my right leg muscles then all the inside muscle of my illiac crest, then my left leg calf and quads the my right thy, then my QL would get really tight. In conversations with Rogan we together suspected what i was feeling was muslce in my body adjust back to there homostasis/normal/heathy position as well as my body fighting the torsion of my sacrum and rotation of illiums. Sometimes what i was feeling was muscles tightening other times i was feeling them loosen. At one point about 6 weeks ago my muscles groups were firing off about ten muscle groups in a day. That was a abnoral daily freequency. Most of the time the switching of muscle groups would evolve and change over the course of two days, even this week i have been feeling this evolutionary change in my yet now they are usually deeper in my ass.

But what i have been leading to this who time it the discovery that my QL muscle was at lease ripped. One guy i was talking to in Cyris, a kick boxer, in a month of intensive research of his back located his primary cause for SIDJ (both left and right on his body) as a true muscluar problem cummunuatively foreclosing on the odd tighness of his QL. I therefore researched the QL muscle and thus discover that there was a damn good chance the fucking rock like trigger point in my left QL was most liking the attachment of my QL to my spine. i stumble across a stetch that isolated my QL muscle and when i stretched the QL the muscle pulled immedialy that the point the QL attaches to illiac crest and sacrum. Fuck! it was like a fucking revelation. The main problem i had with rogan was understanding what was causing my pelvis to misallign all the fucking time every single day. With Rogan i work on posture alot. Correcting posture in sitting and standing position helped my body adjust a hell of a lot. To empirically demonstrate the value of sitting in good posture on chairs that were not low or bucket seats resulted as well as correcting once a day yeilded the atomicalal not atomical but rather fuctional. After 6 weeks of my rogan program my 'anatomical LLD (leg lenghth differnce) was completaly gone. After six weeks, when we checked my malioli (ankle bones) in sit and ly position (by the way at my request not his) both ankle were symetrical and even.

Around this time, right before moving out to NYC i started noticing sharp pain inside the top part of the illiac crest and in the upper part of my SI joint. This pained stumped Rogan so when i discovered quickly that by pulling my QL muscle the problem causing the daily prepetual misallignment, i was happily despret. I would fucking strech on any thing to strech the QL muscle which i did on a glass table two week ago and fucking fell through and sliced open my neck? Fuck. Talk about a fucking break though! And it was a break though. So this brings me to my own self treatment i have been doing lately: ice 5 times a day, elevate (which is tough to do for you back, and lay in a bed all day, take muscle relaxer any time i am on my feet or sitting.

Last friday makes the first day after 3 and a half week confining myself to my bedroom for all day long heat and ice and streching for the purpose of lsoletting the muscles tendons fascia to heal. i have additionally been deep tissue massaging my QL knote every other day. The result have been notable. The sharp pain i feel on the inside of my ilic rest have gone and deep muscles tendon fascia now seem to bee the problem. additionally my felt QL is not tight but now my right QLis tight and my L5 to L2 verabra are locked, or more acruatly really really stiff so they cant have hardly any motion in them.

But today something deep in my ass pulled again and i am back to quare one yet quare one for my deeper fascia ligament tendon problem. Its not so bad that i cant walk but sitting or stanking make somthing spasm so i have to lay back down again all day for a week with tons of ice and muscle relaxer when i am on my feet.

i am hoping that the extent of the muscle tendon ligament fascai problem is not so chronic and unfixable that i will have to get surgury, but only time will tell.

This all leads to say this thing to you: you need to figure out the triggering mality of your back. you can do this by muscle relaxers 24/7 or back to back to back 3 days apart deep tissue muscle relaxer. if you do this think i will provide with some helful meaning.

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