Sunday, January 11, 2009

SIJD diagnosis and recovery Story

Hi there its been about 4 years now that I've been struggling with an SI problem I believe it happened when I was playing football.I landed and planted my whole right leg hard on the ground causing the most amazing groin pain ever at the time.
This was 2002 time but it only to light back in 2005 my left knee became painfull and swollen with mild back pain.I just thought it was a knee strain from road cycling overuse then I thought it was a bike positioning problem,I did always think that my right leg always had to stretch to reach the bottom of the pedal stroke and that my left hip was anterior rotated forward more.
I have seen 6 chiros 5 physio's 2 musculoskeletar guys plus a knee op.
I dunno maybe spent 6 grand trying to sort this out over time.
Pain pattern is left plantar fascitis pain
Left knee pain lateral and under the patella
right sij region-the popping you and i hear when we flex our leg maybe the ilioposas rather than the sij do you think? I struggle to use my right leg when climbing ladders its like my leg is being lifted from my back muscles.I guess that whole joint is working as one when it should be working indepentedly.
Right buttock pain burning feeling when sat down or driving lying in bed.
I also have the neck tension just like you the one side pops more.
I do think that mild scoillis is apparent.
Correcting of the leg length difference with a heel lift is not the way as most ppl have suggested.
I finally at long last have found someone who deals with SIJ problems and its been about 3 weeks now since i've been seeing her,she says it would of happened reguardless of my injury.
That the problem has been more like 15 years,so now we are taking the twist out of my spine if you like with MET but very specific exercises.My left lower side pelvis rotates to the right easy and my upper torso rotates to the left easy.The whole spine has just gone like a cork screw all the way up.I've just been given the backchamp to use to help re-align the pelvis etc etc.Look it up
I know what you are going through believe me but like you just keep going searching trying investigating,I even done a foundation year in chiropractic.
I thought I would become a good chiropractor and not be ONE!
I'm still not sure if i'm going to get better with this woman Sarah Mottram works with the Austrialian person marc comerford and that woman.
I'm still hoping to get back to riding my road bike at a high level like you aim to get back to running.
I'm having my gait checked out soon as I know its completey fucked externally roatating that internally rotating that.

I thought the posts were good all of them' as you know this is a common problem but with poor knowledge really,alot of chiros do not look at the over all picture and use too many high viocity thrusts.Which i believe only put too much trauma on the surrounding ligaments each time-hence why i have the nerve burning pain now.
I always say go the different approach to chiro i caused alot of uproar at chiro school with my views,and to tell you the truth half the time they couldn't disagree with me.Like yourself I have been intensively studying the pelvis/body and blew the lucturers away plus the first/second graders.Knowledge is power and although i'm only a sports therapist in massage i'm now starting to get clients coming to me rather than seeing the chiros osteo's.I always knew to threat this overcome this problem would be through specific exercises and MET to loosen those 26 muscles just around the pelvic girdle alone.
Sarah who i see now with 25 years on the sij is pulled from country to country educating ppl with this problem,we can overcome this.
Its just being extremely patient and finding that right educated person who understands the over all picture.
Keep doing what your doing you will like myself get over this problem soon enough.

Like I say I've been dealing with what I just thought was knee pain/mild back pain turned into wide spread pain across my body-Just like that post on youtube reguarding the upslip post showing how SIJD can slowly distort you body.
My problem is that I kept cycling playing football through pain being stubborn and ingnoring it.What a big mistake this time last year I could hardly stand up right because of poor posture.I blame myself to an extent but at the same time blame alot of people 'specialists' who are very 'Slap dash at examining your over all mechanics.
What makes my blood boil!!!!! is when the specialist/therapist just says ah but a heel lift in your shoe.Say about 5mm should do and see how you go.
This for me is like Red rag to a bull!!!!!!! its lazyness on there behalf there is so much more they could do to investergate to see if its functional or anatomical.
Anyway mate give us a yell anytime if you need me or anything.
I think the backchamp device is great for strengthing leveling and conditioning the pelvic area its certainly a big help.
At the end of the day your pelvis is your second brain.
I'll have a look at that link now.

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