but if you just have SIJ pain and you don't feel that you have say a short leg or knee pain or any other symptoms associated with a misorientation of your si joints, it could just be soft tissue irritation causing the pain in your si joint. the other problem is that you may not notice how you walk ... i.e. if you are walking stangely.
i made a mistake about what i saw in your shoes!!!!!!! can you please show me them again? tell me clearly which one is your right and which one is your left shoe. and let me look at them for a while. also, please tell me which leg is longer based upon what i asked you to do before with lying on your back and bringing your feet to your bum on the floor and checking your knee height.
ok, you're doing that thing with the feet to the bum wrong. and like i said, i misinterpreted what i saw with your shoes.
firstly, lye on your back with your feet on the ground. drag your feet, keeping them on the ground to your bum. then look at the height of your knees.
sorry i got the hip side wrong. now based upon what you tell me and what i think i see with your shoes, i had it around the wrong way. but again, can you again show me the shoe wear and do that thing with your knees???????
the techniques i'm showing you aren't the diagnosis techniques. but they are ways that i can get an idea about what's going on myself. but the real diagnosis techniques are completely different and then if i were there with you, i could definitely see what is going on ... the correct diagnosis techniques involve checking location of ASIS, PSIS, ILA, sacral sulcus, ishium tuberosity etc
if i had to guess at what might be going on with you, just from the minimal things i've seen so far ....
i say this tentatively because i haven't seen what your sacrum is doing yet and what hilary saw was ... well, she wasn't sure.
i'd say that thing you've been doing to pop your left si joint has probably been causing your left ilium to shear anterior or slightly anteriorly rotate. that's where the long left leg comes from (but it could be coming from your sacrum). thing i want to know is what moves does the chiropractor make on you???
you said you get knee pain in your right knee ... that knee pain is coming from the fact that your right leg feels or is acting short, because of the pelvic misalignment, so biomechanically when you walk the knee joint is at a bad orientation. that's also why you are getting wearing on the outside back of your left shoe. and similarly for your left hip... the femur head is badly orientated with respect to the hip joint which puts abnormal stresses on the surrounding ligaments and muscles in the anterior hip area. generally when you are lying down with your legs extended so that you are lying as you would lye in bed, if you relax your feet and see how your feet lye, my guess is that your right foot doesn't externally rotate as much as your left foot. so your feet when you look at them would look something like this \|. if you know what i mean. also this should be what you see in your legs if you look down at them. when you lye as you would in bed, you look at your legs and i guess your right leg would rotate more like this \, and your left leg would be more straight like this |. but like i said, i could be wrong, and it really depends upon what's going on in your sacrum.
you could also have an upslip on the right had side, but like i said, the fact that when you check your knee heights, the high knee side doesn't change when you take your legs from down to up.... makes me think sometimes strange is happening in sacrum.
don't fuck around with your pelvis until we know what you see reliably by getting somebody who can see clearly those locations on your body i.e. PSIS, ASIS (the way i showed you), ILA, depth all the way down sacrum, and ishial tuberosities. then you can tell me what they see and then we can determine exactly what's happening and then use the right technique to correct the problem. the other issue would be to see what problems you're having with your muscles.
i got a question ... are you naturally flexible in your muscles??????
oops i made a mistake ...
when you lye on your back as lye as you would in bed, and you look down at your legs, your LEFT leg should rotate more like this \ and your RIGHT leg should rotate more like this |.
i made another mistake..... fuck! when i said this ... "that's also why you are getting wearing on the outside back of your left shoe". that was wrong.
i always get left and right mixed up so please excuse me and be careful what i write!! if it doesn't make sense then there's a problem.
you're getting wearing on the right shoe at the back on the outside of the shoe... is that correct?
and you're getting wearing on the left shoe on the back inside of the shoe, correct? i know why this is.... actually ... nah... that's too fucking complicated to write down. you can read about it in the maliagnment syndrome. but i jsut wanted to say that i made that mistake in my explaination above.
in a way i'm relucant for you to let people konw taht i know alot about this shit becuase i am a student at the moment and like i said, i'm getting paid hardly any money to try to finish my masters by the end of march. so i ca't spend time helping everybody like i'm trying to help you because i don't want to run late and not finish my masters on time. i also make the effort with you because you make the effort to help yourself through being persistant with trying to communicate with me. some other people ask for help but they don't try to help themselves ... you know what i mean? it's so difficult to help others when they're on the other side of the world. i help family and friends aruond me and it takes like 10 minutes to examine their pelvis and correct the structural aspect of their pelvic misalignment.
i'd like to get a job to help people with their pelvic/spine/back problems because i know more than every single overpriced fuckwit who i saw for my problem but to practice - i would first have to go back to university and continue to be poor for many years to come in order to become say, an osteopath - which, by the way, is the best person i think you can see for this problem ... an osteopath who does structural osteopathy. i don't know why you persist with the fucking chiropractor fuckwit. your money and time would be far better spent by looking for somebody like a structural osteopath.... you could ring around your area and ask the secretaries to find out if the osteo does this kind of thing and somebody who understands the pelvis well. that's a good start and will get you going in the right direction ... you guys can then work together and you'll have somebody useful helping you.
trying to explain to your chiropractor is going to be like trying to reinvent the wheel! the guy probably hasn't had to think since he graduated chiropractor school and i don't think he's gonna start now. they all do the same shit. you'll just continue to waste time and money if you continue to go back to him. they really don't think and don't need to think. that's been the problem with all the fuckwits i've seen. they don't listen and they don't think and they get paid anyway. if they listened and thought, then people like us wouldn't have gotten fucked up more in the first place.
oh ... yes, core exercises type stuff right???
well that shit didn't help much at all to be honest. a bit of hte hip stabilization exercises should help i think,. but so far it seems to me that the process is like this .... but i won't be completely sure until i've fully recovered .....
correct SI joints, do little bit of hip stabilization exercises while stretch all tight muscles in body for i don't know how long, and then work on hip and core muscles.... i guess. but like i said, the core muscle strengthening didn't make any difference to the amount of pain i felt in my body or hte way i walked ...... and i've got a really strong core from all of those fucking exercises!!!
also, i know a girl in england who did one fucking year of core muscle strengthening on local pelvic muscles - multifidus, TA, pelvic floor, diaphram and two years of strengthing on global muscle system (oblique abdominous, quads, gluts) and she's still totally fucked regarding the amount of pain in her body and the way she walks !!!! so based upon that, i'd say it doesn't help much :-)
i've made the two latest videos. they are a bit long but you will see some of the frustration i went through. also it discusses the stretching issue.
also, a good thing that helped me survive those very dark hours was using a golf ball to massage the sore muscles on my back. base ball is bigger and might help get to the lumber spine easier.
oh bye the way .... fuck yeh man.... i was crying every single fucking day for literally hours. this went on and off for the whole year and a half. some days i got through the day by the minute. i would call my mum all hours of the day and night howling in sadness, dispair and frustration at my predicament. and what pissed me off the most is that my friends were too afraid or not patient enough or couldn't be fucked to try to help me, despite the suffering they saw me going through!!!! i think they were afraid of making me worse and they also thought i was fucking crackers!!! and didn't think that i could understand what was giong on. so many of them told me to just accept it and leave it alone. and i'm still getting over all the money adn time i wasted with those fucking ignorant bastard "health professionals!!!
also, a good thing that helped me survive those very dark hours was using a golf ball to massage the sore muscles on my back. base ball is bigger and might help get to the lumber spine easier.
oh bye the way .... fuck yeh man.... i was crying every single fucking day for literally hours. this went on and off for the whole year and a half. some days i got through the day by the minute. i would call my mum all hours of the day and night howling in sadness, dispair and frustration at my predicament. and what pissed me off the most is that my friends were too afraid or not patient enough or couldn't be fucked to try to help me, despite the suffering they saw me going through!!!! i think they were afraid of making me worse and they also thought i was fucking crackers!!! and didn't think that i could understand what was giong on. so many of them told me to just accept it and leave it alone. and i'm still getting over all the money adn time i wasted with those fucking ignorant bastard "health professionals!!!
there are at least 10 points ... 2 PSIS, 2 ASIS, 2 ILA, 2 ishial tuberosity, 2 sacral sulcus and it's important to check the orientation of those points anterior/posterior and also inferior/superior.
i haven't told you how to interpret what you see in your pelvis ...
i was hoping that if you can tell me what you see regarding your ASIS, PSIS, ILA, ishiual tuberosities, and all the way down the sacrum and which knee is higher when you do that thing ... that i could then interpret what's going on your your pelvis.
the thing is that .. for me to say ... if you see this, it means this, and if you see that, it means that .... would take a chapter of a book. so that's why i suggest you just get somebody who can read those locations i speak of and then i can determine what's going on ..... at least structurally. also the structural diagnosis will then hint at which muscles you need to work on for your recovery.
these days i do those stretches which the stretching specialist gave me. i've only seen her once. she' s bit dodgy and hasn't replied to me about a second appointment and didn't give me the list of exercises which she told me she was going to send me in an email. how unprofessional!!! i'm pissed off but feel that i still need her help because she can see things in my body that i can't see myself ... that's the hardest problem for us! we can't look upon ourselves adn sensations sometimes aren't enough to interpret what's going on unfortunately!!
anyways, so if you can get somebody to reliably check your pelvis and then tell me what's going on, i can give you my opinion.
also ... i don't recommend you see an osteopath that says they do cranio sacral therapy ... i explain what that is in my last video ... that stuff is just bullshit. even if they say they do a little bit of it... be VERY SCARED!!! my experience shows me that they won't be able to help you ... that's what they do when they don't undertsand how to correct the problem!!!!
can you be sure that you interpret what i'm saying correctly? because remember when explained you what to do to check your knee heights .... when i saw what you did, it was a completely wrong interpretation of what i wrote...
i don't think these people would be interested in this idea because they would have to think and listen to their patients and why would they do that when they are probably booked out for ages and get paid anyway from these suffering people who have been everywhere and have nowhere else to go.
at least that's what i've found... they don't need to know how to help people. there will always be people suffering like we have and people will always keep going to these dickheads with false hope becasue of their pain.
also, you don't know if i know what i'm talking about....like many of the fuckwits i saw, they promised me the world and i believed their shit and then a few months later i was just poorer, sader, had wasted more time and was in more dispair than before i'd seen them.... and often worse in my body.
my body still isn't 100% recovered. when i walk, i feel tightness on the right hand side of my body in my legs and gluteus area and i know it's from all these fuckwits doing the wrong thing to my si joint. i also i still have cronic back pain. admittedly it's gotten better but cronic back pain doesn't go overnight.
there are so many aspects to this problem. until i've sorted out all of the damage which has been done to me so that i can say that i'm 95% recovered, i'm reluctant to promise others that i have the solution.....
when you read the malalignment syndrome many things will be revealed. you haven't had your pelvis corrected yet and as far as i can see, you haven't found a friend or an osteo to examine your pelvis so that we can see what's going on with your pelvis. so we should try to get you better before anything else.
i have had bad sij pain like what you are referring to and i was able to alleviate that through gluteus strengthening work. however, the pain can go but the malignment can remain. so like i said, there are many components to the problem.
also, like i said, what i say in my videos can be easily misinterpreted, as you found when you tried to follow what i told you to check you knee heights ..... see ... i konw i said that before but i tell you this because i've made the same mistake in the past.
that could get you into trouble regarding your own recovery.
i'm really encouraged by the fact that you want to understand alot before you see somebody. that is really smart. i thought that me understanding alot would help me to not waste my time and money with dickheads but still, although i knew alot, like i said, i hadn't seen a correction technqiue, nor could i figure one out that would work.... also i couldn't trust what these physios where telling me about what they saw in my pelvis ... they were very, very sloppy!!!!
Re: Re Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: comments about you
i know that on the left side of my spine, my spina erectors have become larger than the right side and i think that my multifidus on theright has wasted a bit. when somebody has cronic pain, the muscles get a kind of fatty infiltration in them. i notice that i'm still not walking perfectly normal ... well, it looks normal but it doesn't feel normal.
so i can't help thinking that maybe my multifidus or lower back or even abdominal muscles are playing a role in this right posterior hip pain (pain around glut medius and down back of leg). or it could still be a slight misalignment in my pelvis and in particular, the sacrum... like i said, the biggest pain in the ass is finding somebody who can accurately read the locations in the pelvis. even i have trouble finding people's ILA on the sacrum... and generally just end up examining the depth of the sacrum on both sides all the way down. my osteo told me that if you correct the depth difference in the sacrum, it corrects the inferior/superior elevation difference which can be seen in the ILA if a sacral torsion exists.
i can't wait until you get up with the lingo so that we can discuss this stuff and you can give me feedback :-)
fuck yes you are lucky. intially the chiro fucked me up when doing the million dollar roll which is supposed to target the lumbar spine. but after that, it's true that he did fuck up serverely when messing with hte right SI jiont. and now that is my primary problem area. can you belive it. fucking bastards !!!!
like i said, when the pelvis is misaligned, you can stretch until the cows come home nad it didn't help me. but now my pelvis is better aligned, teh muscles seem to be responding better to the stretching.
also,press thumbs hard either side of centerline of sacrum all the way up and down sacrum to figure out what it's doing.they you should have all hte info u need to determine what's going on.
i said i thought you had anterior rotation of left ilium, looks like sacrum posterior on left judging by soldier stand.ur still not checking ASIS correctly!!feet to bum, knees in air.
i said i thought you had an anterior rotation of left ilium, looks like a sacrum posterior on left judging by soldier stand, and possibly upslip of right ilium.but you're not checking psis or asis correctly!!remember,bring feet close to bum so knees r in air,put fingers just below ASIS to check superior/posterior and put fingers on top of ASIS to check anterior/posterior.get a long mirror,turn upside down and put between two chairs.lye underneath and look at ASIS and PSIS!
but it's hard for me to know unless u check your locations correctly.i only had this suggestion of what might be happening based on what i see when you stand soldier and when you check your knee heights in the first and second position.
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